What a beautiful, generous share. I love this: “Now I know, this is spiritual formation — my spirit being formed by slow, tender, ordinary devotion, day after day after day. This self-giving, this physical love, this bodily care, has done more to shift my soul than so many books I read, so many things I tried.” It’s the real embodiment of wisdom, isn’t it? A forceful transformation indeed. I’m not sure I would have ever willingly signed up for these changes, but I certainly feel more human and infinitely more expanded for them. I nursed each of my two kids for years and with each, basically overnight, I was very clearly, without a doubt, DONE. It’s funny how certain the switch can be, once I arrives. Enjoy your months off!

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Thank you so much for sharing this !

Thoughts of weaning my 2yr old are taking up lots of space in my head. It’s a lot with these more sensitive kiddos!

Always so comforting reading your thoughts.. helps me understand so much about what I’m feeling too 💛

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Thanks for sharing! I'm in the midst of triple feeding my 5 week old and it's a lonely endeavor. Knowing others have had a shared experience helps!

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I loved this essay, particularly the part about spiritual formation. Your comments about being formed by slow, tender, ordinary devotion day after day reminded me so much of the movie The Quiet Girl. I just saw it last week, and it moved me to tears several times. It's a very still, quiet film, and it depicts beautifully how the main character's foster parents express their love through small gestures like scrubbing toes, brushing hair, and doing monotonous chores together. I think you would love this movie if you haven't seen it--it totally encapsulates the idea of tender, ordinary devotion.

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