Apr 24Liked by Amy Bornman

I don't have a baby yet and I also cried! That Wendell Berry poem really got me. I am there.

Amy, your writing is maybe my favorite on Substack. When I get a notification of a new piece of yours in my inbox, I go read it right then. I so appreciate your honesty. You are candid, but accepting of your reality. Thank you thank you thank you.

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Oh my goodness, that means so much to me Brittany! Thank you very much for reading and resonating and encouraging me.

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Apr 24Liked by Amy Bornman

Tears welled up and spilled over at the “holy impediment” section. Love this experience for you, so much. I was a musical theater kid and had many a cathartic vulnerable moment among teachers and friends. The idea of being witnessed as a mother in that space, after being a pandemic mom too and not even realizing how unseen I really was, touches me deeply. Thank you so much for sharing and so glad you and Ben got to do this!

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Yes! I hadn't even really connected that piece, that we did so much mothering completely unwitnessed during the pandemic. It is taking me a while to realize that I can be places other than my house, so it was so wild to suddenly be somewhere so special to me as a mom! I'm sure others have that experience earlier!

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Apr 24Liked by Amy Bornman

Tearing up reading this, Amy. Needed these words today! Hooray to holy impediments!

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Apr 24Liked by Amy Bornman

Crying soooo much actually

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Apr 24Liked by Amy Bornman

Oh man what would I do right now without your writing? I feel so much of this!

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I feel this so much when trying to move through adult spaces with my children. Highly visible and vulnerable, a potential spectacle, and exhausted. And quietly though fiercely protective. Holy impediment indeed!

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