I’m three months postpartum with my fourth baby right now, really in the thick of it. While I was pregnant my husband ordered me a Paynter chore coat (in almost exactly the same electric blue as your babaa sweater, funny enough!). It arrived the other week and I cried when I tried it on because it’s absolutely perfect — it reminds me of who I am and I'm so excited to wear it when the weather cools down here in Austin! Anyway, this essay was so touching to read, thank you for sharing it!

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It's the best feeling! Just looked up your coat and it is beautiful! And so nice to think of us in our similar but different postpartum blue garments across the country. :) Also -- I really loved your recent essay. Didn't comment at the time because I was in the midst of a chaotic kids moment, but better late then never!!

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Sep 4Liked by Amy Bornman

Ahh the process of coming back to myself (or relearning who I’m becoming) postpartum has also come much sooner after #2 than #1 and clothing is such a huge piece of this for me. I’m in the thick of it and like you I’m saying a joyful no to all the “almosts” so I can find what really makes my heart say yes!

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Yes! In some says, the saying "no" is just as satisfying as saying "yes!" :) Second postpartum is so different in so many ways, still coming up against all the same feelings but differently. I've found it so interesting!

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“…and I remember myself.” Truly this takes such a long time postpartum, and feels so good when you start to re-meet forgotten parts of yourself. (Also winterskies is *chefs kiss*.)

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Sep 4Liked by Amy Bornman

I also got a babaa sweater as a postpartum gift and it is the most gorgeous thing. There is the slightest chill in the air and I’m so excited to finally be able to wear it after giving birth at the end of June. The one I got is cotton, do you find the wool itchy at all?

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I have a pink cotton babaa too and I love it! The wool is a little itchy, but not so much that it truly bothers me. My first one was a wool no.18 mini which are a little bit felted, and I find that wool is less itchy than the new blue one that is not felted at all. So it just depends on how sensitive you are! I will say too that the wool sweaters are much lighter in literal weight than the cotton, which feels heavy, so that's a sensory difference too! I like both but could see someone wanting or not wanting the heaviness of cotton vs the lightness of wool! :)

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Yay Amy!!!

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I admire your honest words about postpartum. They give voice to feelings I am still finding expression for. Thank you.

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